Cambrian Aura
Cambrian Aura is the latest iteration of a business I conceived in an attempt to raise funds for repeated relief missions to El Salvador. I recently retired from my day job teaching science at Richland High School, and am happily building the next phase of my life. This work has been and will continue to be an adventure. And while the work in El Salvador has met an end for now, I hope to do good with it.
About That Name- Well, I was a biology teacher. The Cambrian is regarded as life's greatest burst of creativity, coming on the heels of one of the harshest periods in Earth's history. I love looking at artists' conceptions of Cambrian life. It's diverse and weird and wonderful, and I wouldn't mind if someone described my work that way.

Furniture- I build furniture using the skills I've learned from my dad, Gene Staley of Quincy. I maintain a relatively small inventory, and I try to update this page whenever a piece is finished or sold. I use my own original designs, usually inspired by a really nice piece of wood I want to showcase, and then I build it right. Quality hardwoods, usually locally sourced, mortise and tenon and dovetail joinery, hardware out of view when I use it. These pieces will last for generations. I draw inspiration from a number of styles, and am currently fascinated with Art Nouveau furniture. None of my work fits entirely within an established style, which means none of it will go out of style.
Blink Photography- I learned photography from my mom, Mary Staley of Quincy, WA. I try to offer a unique view of the things I photograph, and I love to find beauty subtle enough to be missed, and highlight it. I'll photograph anything that moves me, whether it's beautiful, poignant, moody, or even a bit ominous.
Framing- I build quality hardwood frames. (I'll add a framing page soon.) The styles range from modern black to formal walnut to rustic live edge frames. Like the furniture, they are made from quality materials (no laminates or composites) using traditional joinery, not staples. They look natural and substantial, and I expect them to last long enough for your great grandchildren to frame old-timey photos of you in them. If a joint ever fails, I'll repair it as long as I'm alive and ambulatory.
Thanks for reading, friends! I'll be happy to hear from you.